Motor Claims

Motor Claims

Motor Claims
What to do if you are involved in an accident?

• Call the police if there is an injury or if the accident caused death. Do not move the vehicles before the police arrive.

• Exchange particulars of involved parties (Name, NRIC number, Address, Telephone numbers, Vehicle numbers and Name of insurance company of involved vehicles).

• Take photographs of the accident scene and damaged parts. Try to make a sketch of the accident site, positions of vehicles and any special environment factors that may have caused the accident.

• If the vehicle cannot be driven after the accident, call your insurer’s 24 hours hotline or insurer’s authorized workshop for towing services.

• Bring your vehicle to your insurer’s authorized workshop for accident reporting within 24 hours of the accident or by the next working day. Failure to do so might lead to declined claims or loss of your No Claims Discount even when the claim is not against your own insurance policy.

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